Best money transfer solution for Business

kirim uang

Send Money Unit

Enjoy the convenience of easy transfers anywhere

Bulk Disbursement

Send money in bulk to multiple accounts at once. Payments to any account can be done easily at any time. Simply upload a .CSV/excel file.

Bulk Disbursement - LinkQu
API Disbursement BUSINESS LinkQu

API Disbursement

Integrate your payment system and enjoy sending money to 136 banks and e-wallets in Indonesia automatically and in real time, 24/7


In addition to transfers to bank accounts, you can also make transfers to Gopay, OVO, Dana, LinkAja and Shopeepay

kirim uang


Interbank Transfer

Logo Bank Mandiri - LinkQu
Logo Bank BRI - LinkQu
Logo Bank BNI - LinkQu
Logo Bank BCA - LinkQu

136 other banks

Rp. 4000



Logo DANA - LinkQu
Logo OVO - LinkQu
Logo Shopeepay - LinkQu
Logo Gopay - LinkQu
Logo LinkAja - LinkQu

Rp. 1000


Get special offers

Your business transactions above 15,000 transactions per month? Contact us now and get a special offer

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