About Us




LinkQu is a startup that focuses on fund transfer services. We started operations in November 2020 and in line with the company's growth in February 2021, we succeeded in acquiring a company that has a license as a fund transfer provider from Bank Indonesia and managed to process transactions of more than 1 trillion (Rp) in less time than 6 months. 

LinkQu has obtained security certification ISO 27001 Information Security Management System and is a member of the Indonesian Fintech Association, ASPI (Indonesian Payment System Association), APPUI (Association of Money Transfer Operators in Indonesia), and AMTC (Asia Pacific MSME Trade Coalition).

Our Vision

Becoming the No. 1 Money Transfer Service Provider in Indonesia

Our Mission

  1. Providing innovative and technologically advanced money transfer services focused on customer satisfaction.
  2. Creating a distribution system and service access that makes it easier for customers.
  3. Operating the organization with modern and professional corporate governance in a corporatization concept.