BCA Virtual Account Payment Method Guide
- Enter Your ATM card and PIN Number
- Choose Another transaction menu
- Choose Transfer
- Input Nomor Virtual Account , e.g 12345678xxxx
- Choose Right
- Choose Yes
- Take Your Proof of Payment Number
- Finish
- Login Mobile Banking
- Choose m-Transfer
- Choose BCA Virtual Account
- Input Nomor Virtual Account , e.g 12345678xxxx
- Click Send
- Virtual Account Information will be displayed
- Click OK
- Input PIN Mobile banking
- Proof of Payment shown
- Finish
- Login Internet banking
- Choose Fund Transactions
- Select Transfer To BCA Virtual Account
- Input Nomor Virtual Account , e.g 12345678xxxx
- Click Continue
- Input Respon KeyBCA Appli 1
- Click Send
- Proof of Payment shown
- Finish