BCA Virtual Account Payment Method Guide

  1. Enter Your ATM card and PIN Number
  2. Choose Another transaction menu
  3. Choose Transfer
  4. Input Nomor Virtual Account , e.g 12345678xxxx
  5. Choose Right
  6. Choose Yes
  7. Take Your Proof of Payment Number
  8. Finish

  1. Login Mobile Banking
  2. Choose m-Transfer
  3. Choose BCA Virtual Account
  4. Input Nomor Virtual Account , e.g 12345678xxxx
  5. Click Send
  6. Virtual Account Information will be displayed
  7. Click OK
  8. Input PIN Mobile banking
  9. Proof of Payment shown
  10. Finish

  1. Login Internet banking
  2. Choose Fund Transactions
  3. Select Transfer To BCA Virtual Account
  4. Input Nomor Virtual Account , e.g 12345678xxxx
  5. Click Continue
  6. Input Respon KeyBCA Appli 1
  7. Click Send
  8. Proof of Payment shown
  9. Finish